Yeşim Got Full Marks for Gender Equity
As one of the first signatories of the Global Compact and Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) in Türkiye, Yeşim Group continues to be a leading company in the textile and apparel industry worldwide.
Almaxtex Textile which is Yeşim Group’s headquarters factory in Türkiye, and Cairo factory of Jade Textile, which is Yeşim Group’s production facility in Egypt, were calibrated at the highest level as a result of the Gender Equity Self Diagnostic Tool (SDT) survey conducted by Nike HQ for their high-level performance in gender equity. On the other hand, Jade Textile’s Ismailia factory also qualified for calibration audit in April.
In addition to this achievement, Yeşim Group was designated as a “Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) Ambassador” by UN Women Türkiye and was cited as one of the good practices in the “Business Against Domestic Violence” project coordinated by TÜSİAD (Turkish Industry and Business Association), Sabancı Foundation, and UN Population Fund (UNFPA).
Yeşim Group’s achievements were celebrated by the company’s Gender Equality Committee and senior executives at a ceremony organized at Yeşim Academy.