Fair Labor Association (FLA) visited Yeşim Group
Yeşim Group hosted a team of about 20 people at its Bursa headquarters as part of the visits organized by the Fair Labor Association (FLA) to companies in Türkiye.
The Fair Labor Association (FLA) held its board meetings, which are held 3 times a year to examine the social compliance conditions in the agriculture and textile sectors, in Türkiye this time due to the 25th anniversary of its establishment. Groups of more than 100 participants, including universities, union representatives and members, visited different companies and had the opportunity to see social compliance activities on site. As part of these visits, Yeşim Group hosted the FLA team of approximately 20 people at its Bursa headquarters factory.
Within the scope of the visit, the FLA team initially visited Yeşim Kindergarten, which has been in continuous service for 36 years and enables women to have a stronger presence in business life, and evaluated the social services offered by Yeşim Group to its employees and the importance it attaches to work-life balance.
During the visit, which continued with the presentation of Behiç Gülşen, VP of Human Resources and Organizational Development, Gülşen provided comprehensive information to the participants about Yeşim Group's social compliance activities, projects and fair working conditions.
Following the presentation, the FLA team went on a factory tour to examine Yeşim Group's social compliance conditions on site. The visit provided an important opportunity for the team to observe the company's social compliance activities and working conditions.
With this visit, Yeşim Group once again reinforced its commitment to social compliance and strengthened its pioneering position in the sector by maintaining its commitment to protecting the rights of its employees and developing sustainable business practices.